(Time to read this Blog article is about 60 seconds)

Video, well done, can be hugely helpful in many parts of your business.  Video is generally much more effective than the written word because most folks have become what I call ‘lazy learners’.  We’d rather watch something than read something.  Here are a few ways that video, well done, can be impactful in your business…

  1. Any website that doesn’t have a lot of helpful and engaging video is 10 years out of date. Use video on your website to coach, inform, powerfully connect and engage with customers and prospects…and to differentiate yourself from your competitors.
    I recently worked with a number of Co-ops in western Canada.  These are member-owned, local grocery, lumber & hardware, farm supply and gas station businesses that buy through a central buying organization.  Their culture of caring for customers and their families is extraordinary.  Here’s a link to one of their hundreds of videos, in which they promote their Co-op gift cards.  Their sales of Gift Cards grew by millions of dollars following the release of this wonderfully engaging video. 


  1. Many forward-thinking businesses are now creating a video story about their company to attract and engage potential employees. These videos show the full range of business activities, the culture and values, benefit programs and exciting career opportunities offered.  The real battle in business today is the battle for talent, so any ‘tool’ that helps you to attract the best and brightest is important.
  2. Employee onboarding and ongoing training. Creating informative and engaging videos that help new employees learn what they need to know about the company and their job is engaging, effective and efficient.  Many aspects of ongoing job training, systems introduction and health & safety training are delivered more effectively through video-on-demand.

Creating effective videos doesn’t have to cost a fortune.  There are experienced, professional and affordable videographers in almost every community.  Search the internet and ask around.

I’d love to hear about how you’ve used video effectively in your business.  If you have a story to share, email me at donald@donaldcooper.com.  ‘Thanks’.

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