This was the most eye-opening, forward-thinking and helpful business event I’ve attended. I really appreciate your honest, real and straight-forward approach to management, marketing and profitability.
These 1 or 2-day intensive Management Boot Camp programs are for business owners and managers who want to:
To download your 3-page Info Brochure on the ‘Individual Boot Camps’, click here.
To quote one recent shared Boot Camp attendee,
Donald, thanks to you, we have a sharp new focus and real momentum here. We have all our employees involved in making our business better. I haven't had this much fun with my business in quite a while. I'm now working about 15 hours a week less than I used to.
To download your 3-page Info Brochure on the ‘Shared Management Boot Camps’, click here.
To view a recommendation from a client who has booked 15 of these Community Boot Camp programs with Donald, please download the Recommendation Letter Here
To download your 3-page Info Brochure on the ‘Community Management Boot Camps’, click here.
Donald, your two Seminars were rated #1 and #2 out of over 40 programs that we offered at the Las Vegas Mega Conference