(Time to read this Blog is about 2 minutes)

Before we get to the main topic, here are a few things to get you thinking:

  1. My biz quote of the week:
    “Many businesses approach to profitability is, ‘We’ll do our best and hope for the best.’ but our profit is something we plan for and commit to…not something we hope for. What is your profit commitment for this year and what are you doing to make it happen?”
    …Donald Cooper.
  2. The myth of never give up. Motivational speakers tell us that we should “Never give up…believe in your dreams!” They remind us of famous business people, politicians, athletes, musicians and others who overcame great odds to, ultimately, succeed.  But here’s the truth.  There is a time to give up, to learn from our mistakes and move on!  The beginning of wisdom is the recognition of reality.‘Wisdom’ is knowing when to give up and move on. Many future successes are built on past failures. But if we’re not, first, prepared to admit to the failure, we don’t get to move on to the potential success.

    There’s a big difference between being a ‘quitter’ and having the wisdom to know when to let go and move on to ‘Plan B’.   Every week I see businesses, all around the world, that are just a bad idea. They’ll never make money and will suck you dry, if you let them. The secret is knowing when to let go of a bad idea, an outdated business model, a lousy location, a mediocre product, or a toxic employee that you’ve been trying to ‘rescue’ for the past 7 frustrating years.

    We all need to reinvent our business and ourselves.  To do that we need to let go of the stuff that isn’t working and replace it with better ‘stuff’. So, what’s not working in your business…and your life?  It’s time for a reality check.

    Make one list for your business…and one for your life.  Write down what’s not working. What and who are dragging you down? What action is required?  When will you take that action?  Remember, the beginning of wisdom is the recognition of reality.


Now, to this week’s important topic:

Cooper’s 10 simple tips for having a more extraordinary life!

My most asked-for business session, whether as a keynote or interactive workshop is, ‘Accelerate your business…how to sell more, manage smarter, grow your bottom line…and have a life!’ 

The ‘have a life’ part is a real challenge for many business owners and managers. I often ask clients, “Does your business model serve your life model?” and the answer, sadly, is usually an immediate, “No, not by a long shot”.   So here, below, are my 10 simple tips for having a more extraordinary life.  I created this list for a client whose personal life was in big trouble.  They worked for him…and they may be helpful to you.

  1. Book time for yourself and family as you would for any other important customer.  We have customers at home too!
  2. Create family traditions…they’re the ‘glue’ that hold families together. Without the ‘glue’ of traditions, families come unstuck.
  3. Hug more.  They’re free, low calorie and returnable.
  4. Hang out with positive, talented people.  Get rid of the toxic people in your life, regardless of how closely they’re related to you.
  5. Treat yourself.  Small, affordable treats can make a big difference. For example, buy the best bed linens and biggest bath towels you can find…and every night will be like sleeping at the Four Seasons.
  6. Live with great design. Great design uplifts and inspires us.  Bad design stresses and depresses us. Great design doesn’t have to be expensive.  By any kitchen gadget by OXO.  Great design for just 12 bucks.
  7. Use the alphabet to trigger new experiences.  Be alive…be adventurous.  Every month set a budget and commit to doing something that you’ve never done before that starts with the next letter of the alphabet.  Start with picking Apples, or trying an Australian wine, or going to Al’s dinner, or A Next month try Brie Cheese, Burgundy wine, or go to Boston.  You get the idea…start with A, work through the alphabet till you go to the Zoo, or adopt a Zebra …then go back to A again.
  8. Give back…volunteer…practice random acts of kindness. When we make even a small difference in the lives of others, we make a difference in our life too.
  9. Travel…explore, expand your mind and enlarge your circle of friends. Get the book ‘A 1000 Places to See Before You Die.’  Pick a page…and go there.  Then pick another page.
  10. All those things you’re saving for special occasions…get them out and use them now!  ‘Life’ is a special occasion!

So, there are my 10 tips for having a more extraordinary life.  Which ones will you embrace…and when will you start?


That’s it for this week…

Stay safe…live brilliantly!       

Donald Cooper 

Donald Cooper speaks and coaches internationally on management, marketing, and profitability.  He can be reached by email at donald@donaldcooper.com in Toronto, Canada.

One Response to Cooper’s 10 simple tips for having a more extraordinary life!
  1. Comment
    Great info and advice as always Donald! My wife and I just got back from a week mostly in the mountains of A – Alberta. Most majestic place on earth! Uplifting, rejuvenating peaceful place.


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