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The real battle in business today is the battle for talent. If we win that one, the battle for loyal customers and healthy profitability is a lot easier
Whether your business is large or small, not having the right people in every position carries a huge bottom-line cost in lost business, inefficiency, missed opportunity and frustration!
The talent crunch is real, and will last for decades. In less than 10 years time, we’ll see many businesses fail because they’re unable to find the talent they need.
Sadly, many business owners and managers have convinced themselves that, “You just can’t get good people anymore!” They’re in denial and they’ve given up! The truth is that the best people have to work for somebody…it’s just that we have to deserve them.
We become what we hire…so we need to attract and hire extraordinary talent, not just ‘bodies’. Then, we must train, inspire and empower them to WOW our customers, achieve world-class operating efficiency and grow our bottom line.
Everyone on our team must be clear about our customer promise, our direction and our values. They must be committed to specific outcomes, be held accountable for their performance and rewarded for their success. Then, non-performance must be dealt with promptly and firmly. Lack of accountability and failure to deal with non-performance are two of the biggest problems in many businesses today. So, we must all manage smarter.
Donald’s 8 steps to attracting, leading and engaging a top-performing team deliver a clear and effective process that will help make you a world-class recruiter, a world-class boss…and a world-class business.
Donald doesn’t just talk about it; he has actually done it…and done it well! He has been both a world-class manufacturer and an award-winning retailer. From humble beginnings, Cooper Canada became a world-leading maker of sports equipment and a Canadian brand icon, employing over 2800 people.
Then, as a visionary fashion retailer, Donald fundamentally redefined the customer experience, for which he received 7 Awards of Excellence for service, marketing and business innovation.
For his ability to inform, challenge and inspire even the most cynical business audience, he has been inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame and awarded the CSP (Certified Speaking
Donald, we are unanimous that this was the most insightful business Workshop that we’ve ever attended. You have changed our culture from ‘goals and objectives’ to clear and specific ‘commitments’...and we can already see the difference.