How Donald can help as an extraordinary conference speaker:



…the ‘straight goods’ on how to sell more,
manage smarter, grow your bottom line…
and have a life!

(to download this document, click on the link at the bottom of the page)


Managing any business today is tough…and getting  tougher.  We’re all faced with more demanding customers, more and stronger competition, increased complexity and shrinking margins. On top of that, great staff are hard to find and keep…and that problem won’t go away any time soon.

Every industry is over-served and under-differentiated.  To thrive in good times or bad, we must create extraordinary customer value and experiences that will clearly differentiate us from our competitors, make us ‘famous’ and grow our bottom line.  Then, we must proactively market, sell and promote like never before in this crowded, confused and cynical marketplace. 

Secondly, we must create world-class operating efficiency and a clear vision of what our business will become in 3 to 5 years.  Then, we must have the right business model and a top-performing team. Without these four things, we cannot grow our business.

Finally, we need to understand the math of profitability and control expenses carefully. Performance must be measured, acknowledged and rewarded…and non-performance must be dealt with promptly. Lack of clarity and failure to deal with non-performance are two of the biggest challenges facing many businesses today.  So, we must all manage smarter.  We must work “ON” our business…not just “IN” it.

To achieve all of this we must be innovative, focused, proactive & passionate. In short, we must be extraordinary! Mediocrity is no longer an option!

Through Keynotes, Workshops, transformational Management ‘Boot Camps’ and 1-on-1 Business Coaching, Donald has helped 1,000s of business owners and managers in over 40 industries throughout the world to rethink, refocus and re-energize their business to sell more, manage smarter, grow their bottom line…and have a life.

Simply put Donald works with business owners and managers who want to achieve extraordinary outcomes in 5 key areas…

  1. Create compelling customer value and experiences that will give them a clear competitive advantage.
  2. Market, promote and sell more effectively. There’s no point being the ‘best’ if we’re also the best kept secret.
  3. Attract, engage and retain a dedicated, top-performing team. To succeed, we must become ‘talent magnets’.
  4. Improve profitability now and for the long term…and to,
  5. Create a clear Vision for the future of the business, a specific Action Plan to get there and a culture of commitment, urgency and accountability to make sure that they do.

About Donald Cooper, MBA, CSP, HoF:

Donald doesn’t just talk about it; he has actually done it…and done it well!  He has been both a world-class manufacturer and an award-winning retailer.

Donald started his business career at the age of 6, sweeping the floor in the family business for 5 cents a day.  Long days and low pay…excellent early training for an entrepreneur.

He earned an MBA from the Ivey Business School at the University of Western Ontario, followed by 18 years at Cooper Canada, the family business.   From humble beginnings, Cooper Canada became the world’s leading maker of hockey equipment and a Canadian Brand icon.

As a growing family business, Cooper Canada bought competitors, went public, became unionized, imported, exported to 20 countries, opened an offshore factory in Barbados, and grew to over 2,800 employees.  Donald has been ‘in the trenches’.

At age 43 Donald reinvented himself as a visionary fashion retailer.  He fundamentally redefined the customer experience, for which he received seven Awards of Excellence for service, marketing and business innovation; including being voted Canada’s outstanding Innovative Retailer.  

For the past 20 years he has worked with business owners and managers, world-wide, to improve clarity of purpose, compelling customer value, management effectiveness and long-term profitability. 

For his transformational business insights and unique ability to inform, challenge and inspire even the most cynical business audience, Donald has been inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame and been awarded the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation…the highest international designation in professional speaking.

For more information about Donald and his work, including a number of short video clips and free Business Tools, go to

What clients say about Donald’s presentations:

  • Every business owner needs to spend a few hours with Donald Cooper. It changes everything.
  • Donald’s management program has delivered the best take-away value of any session that we’ve attended. He delivers effective tools that will have a profound impact on any business.
  • The best, bottom-line business session that has been offered by our Association in 20 years.
  • Awesome insights; edgy, engaging humor; passion and humanity…the whole package.
  • I can honestly say that this was the most eye-opening, forward-thinking and helpful business event I’ve attended.  I really appreciate your honest, real and straight-forward approach to management, marketing and profitability.  
  • You have energized me to make a difference in my business and my life!
  • By applying what I learned in Donald’s session, I’ve grown my business by over 50%. I have achieved the Readers Choice Award for the favorite local business in my category…and I’m now living the life I once only dreamed of.

1. Donald Cooper 2-sheet, SM-MS, 2020




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Donald, as you know, I work with many different speakers and you definitely stand out amongst them. It is rare to see someone deliver a talk that mesmerizes the entire audience! I'm pleased to confirm that you will be returning as the keynote speaker at our upcoming November Conference.

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