(Time to read this article is about 90 seconds)

The real battle in business today is the battle for talent.  Businesses large and small now realize that not having an engaged and top-performing Team carries a huge bottom-line cost in lost business, inefficiency, missed opportunity, low morale and high frustration!  So, employee engagement and commitment are hot topics these days. 

We want our employees to be committed to the success of our business…but what are our clear commitments to them, individually and collectively?  Where I live, commitment is a 2-way street.

The solution is simple. Work with your team to create a 1-page ‘Statement of Commitment’ that states specifically how you’ll create and nurture a positive business environment that encourages and rewards success.  Below is an example of what that ‘Statement of Commitment’ might look like. Its purpose is to get you thinking and discussing. You and your team can alter it any way you choose and then add additional commitments, if you have them.   

Defining our commitment to our staff  Team:

We commit to helping our internal business partners (our staff) to be more effective, energized, successful and fulfilled by creating an environment that:

  1. Ensures a physically and emotionally safe place to be.
  2. Delivers clarity about our commitments to customers, to each other, to the environment, to our community and to healthy profitability.
  3. Provides the training and empowerment required to deliver extraordinary customer experiences and world-class operational effectiveness.
  4. Has clear, consistent and effectively communicated Values, Standards and Processes.
  5. Communicates clearly, consistently and honestly.
  6. Actively listens to the thoughts, ideas and concerns of all Team members.  Respects and considers diverse opinions and respectful debate.
  7. Encourages joy, passion and kindness.
  8. Measures, acknowledges, thanks and rewards success.
  9. Respects that Team members have responsibilities and commitments outside of their role here as a Team member.
  10. Creates a career path for those with the ability and desire to grow.
  11. ____________________________________________________________________________
  12. ____________________________________________________________________________

When you’ve completed your customized ‘Statement of Commitment’, determine with your Team what each line will actually mean in terms of policies and actions and how it will be implemented, measured, reviewed and refined at specific intervals.

Another process to improve staff engagement and commitment is for each manager and supervisor to sit down with each of their Team members once a year and ask them for 3 things that they would like to achieve in their career or their life within the next 3 years…and then talk about how the company might be able to help and encourage them achieve those.   

If we expect our employees to help us get what we want in the way of growth, efficiency and profitability, wouldn’t it be reasonable that we help them get what they want?

I’d love to hear from you with your thoughts and experiences with this approach to improving Team engagement.  It might all sound a bit ‘airy-fairy’ to some of you…and that’s OK.  Let the conversation begin! 

For info about booking Donald to deliver his bottom-line insights on marketing, management and profitability at an Industry Conference or Corporate Event…or to discus our effective and affordable Business Coaching program, contact us at donald@donaldcooper.com, or by phone in Toronto, Canada at 1-416-252-3703.

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