(to download this document, click on the link at the bottom of the page)
Simply put, every business is trying to get from where they are now, to some better place they commit to be, with higher sales, more loyal customers, a more effective team, world-class operational efficiency and improved profitability. The problem is that many businesses are not clear about where ‘here’ is. They’re not being realistic about the challenges they face, nor are they in agreement about how to fix them
The ‘Business Key Challenge Audit’ process is important and insightful. By taking just a few minutes for you and your management and supervisory team to independently and honestly complete this 1-page exercise (see Page 2), then analyzing the results, here’s some of what you’ll discover…
Important note: For each decision that you and your team make to address a challenge, get very specific about what action will be taken, by whom, by when, measured how and rewarded how. Remember, businesses don’t die from a single shot to the head…they slowly and surely from a thousand uncompleted tasks.
Donald, your two Seminars were rated #1 and #2 out of over 40 programs that we offered.