“Straight Talk” from the Management Guy.

Drawing from his real life experience as a world-class manufacturer, award-winning retailer and business coach, Donald has helped thousands of businesses throughout the world to add more real value to their customers’ livesand more dollars to their bottom line!

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(Time to read this Blog article is about 50 seconds) Note:  This blog article is from my friend Jim Brown.  Jim is a brilliant business thinker and a ‘straight shooter’.  He can be reached at James B. Brown Consulting Inc. jbbrown@bell.net . Jim’s comments about the need for more women in senior management positions is […]

(Time to read this Blog article is about 30 seconds) Many businesses spend huge sums of money on ‘customer research’ to find out exactly what their customers want.  Then, when they deliver that, they wonder why customers don’t go “WOW”. What they don’t realize is, they’ve fallen into ‘The Research Trap.’  It works like this. […]

(Time to read this Blog article is about 60 seconds) A number of clients have asked me to comment on the increasing minimum wage that we see in Canada and the USA.  First off, to give yourself a little perspective, for just one week try living on what some of your minimum wage employees are […]

(Time to read this Blog article is about 40 seconds) We’re not just talking about cultural or ethnic diversity; we’re talking about diversity of thought and perspective.  If you surround yourself with people who look, think and act like you do, this doesn’t unleash your creativity, it narrows your view and limits your possibilities.  Innovation […]

(Time to read this Blog article is about 90 seconds) There’s much talk in business today about the importance of initial and on-going training, coaching and employee development…and so there should be.   You can’t grow your business without growing your people. To truly embrace a program of ongoing employee education and development, keep in […]


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