“Straight Talk” from the Management Guy.

Drawing from his real life experience as a world-class manufacturer, award-winning retailer and business coach, Donald has helped thousands of businesses throughout the world to add more real value to their customers’ livesand more dollars to their bottom line!

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(Time to read this blog article is about 90 seconds) Everybody talks about ‘service’, customers demand it, businesses promise it, people write books about it….but nobody ever defines what ‘service’ is in any clear and meaningful way.  If we can’t define it, we can’t deliver it, because we don’t know what it is.  So, here’s […]

(Time to read this blog article about 45 seconds) I recently worked with a CEO who believed strongly in ‘consensus management’.  The problem is that no decisions were being made.  The 15 members of the management and supervisory group couldn’t all agree on what would be done, by whom, by when, measured how…so nothing got […]

 (Time to read this blog article about 60 seconds) How will your business give back to your community, to humanity and to the local and global environment in 2017?  It’s called ‘doing well by doing good’. What’s your plan? Giving back is good business and great for employee engagement. Employees want to feel that they’re […]


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