“Straight Talk” from the Management Guy.

Drawing from his real life experience as a world-class manufacturer, award-winning retailer and business coach, Donald has helped thousands of businesses throughout the world to add more real value to their customers’ livesand more dollars to their bottom line!

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(Time to read this Blog article is about 2 minutes) OOPS, I goofed!  When sending out my regular Wednesday Blog yesterday, I accidently re-sent the Blog from last week.  This week’s real Blog about ‘the power of working smart’ appears below. Stay safe…Donald C.  Way back in February, which seems like a lifetime ago, I […]

(Time to read this important Blog article is about 2 minutes) Much of what we believe about our customers, our staff, our future and our bottom line is simply not true.  Some of it never was true…and some of it was, but isn’t anymore.  As business owners and managers, we’re making important decisions based on […]


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