All posts by: Donald Cooper

About Donald Cooper

Donald Cooper, MBA, CSP, HoF: Donald Cooper speaks and coaches internationally on management, marketing, and profitability.  He can be reached by email at in Toronto, Canada.

(Time to read this Blog article is about 40 seconds) Job Descriptions are an important part of creating clear expectations for each person on your Team. The problem is that most Job Descriptions are little more than a list of activities that the employee must perform with no thought to the results or outcomes that […]

(Time to read this Blog article is about 60 seconds) Video, well done, can be hugely helpful in many parts of your business.  Video is generally much more effective than the written word because most folks have become what I call ‘lazy learners’.  We’d rather watch something than read something.  Here are a few ways […]

(Time to read this Blog section is about 60 seconds) Alexa, mow my lawn. Stockholm-based Husqvarna has launched voice-powered Alexa integration with its robotic lawnmower.  Similar to how a Roomba vacuum cleans floors, Husqvarna’s Automower maps your lawn and traverses it automatically, with the ability to start, stop or schedule a mowing through a mobile app.   […]

(Time to read this Blog article is about 30 seconds) When offering customers a deal or ‘thanking’ them for their business, don’t underwhelm them. It makes you look stingy and out of touch. A few months ago I was on a Celebrity Cruise Lines ship, working with a client and their management team to improve […]

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