All posts by: Donald Cooper

About Donald Cooper

Donald Cooper, MBA, CSP, HoF: Donald Cooper speaks and coaches internationally on management, marketing, and profitability.  He can be reached by email at in Toronto, Canada.

(Time to read this Blog article is about 2 minutes away from your vacation) Vacations are not a luxury; they are a necessity for a well-balanced, healthy life is as important as eating well and getting exercise. Here are 10 reasons to make them a priority in your life as sourced out from Articles by […]

(Time to read this Blog section is about 40 seconds) We’re now half way through 2018.  How is your business doing compared to where you committed to be?   Do you even know?  Are you measuring performance, rewarding success and fixing what needs fixing?  What areas need more focus, more effort, more resources or innovation?  Who […]

(Time to read this Blog article is about 70 seconds) Many businesses confuse ‘Purpose’ with ‘Vision’.  Here’s an example of what I’m talking about.  ChocoSol Traders is a small, artisanal chocolate production and marketing company based in Toronto that’s committed to fair and ethical business practices.  Their Vision Statement, found on their website is…   ‘To […]

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