All posts by: Donald Cooper

About Donald Cooper

Donald Cooper, MBA, CSP, HoF: Donald Cooper speaks and coaches internationally on management, marketing, and profitability.  He can be reached by email at in Toronto, Canada.

(Time to read this important Blog article is about 2 minutes) Employee engagement is a hot topic these days…and so it should be.  Imagine, the positive impact on your business and your bottom line if you could increase the number of fully engaged employees on your Team and get rid of the non-performers.  Employees who […]

(Time to read this Blog article is about 2 minutes) When I was a teenager, girls who were “easy” were popular for all the wrong reasons.  But in business, being “easy” is a very good thing.  Staples, the office supplies retailer, has created a whole marketing campaign around being “Easy” to do business with. So, […]

(Time to read this Blog article is about 60 seconds) Note:  I always write my own blogs, but this week I’m ‘borrowing’ one from a gentleman named Randy Phillips.  I have no idea who is, or what he does, but this Blog touched me.  Randy makes an excellent point about the importance of being an […]

(Time to read this article is about 1 minute) A few years ago, walking through a shopping mall in Calgary, Alberta, I came across a beautiful flower shop.  Displayed outside the doorway, in the mall aisle, were mixed bunches of fresh flowers, nicely wrapped and ready to go.  A great idea to make that ‘impulse […]

Paying your staff a ‘bonus’ to coincide with the birth of a baby 2000+ years ago makes absolutely no sense at all. There…I said it! Jesus wasn’t even born on December 25th. Most scholars agree that he was born some time around March 21st. The Church cleverly chose December 25th to celebrate in order to […]

(Time to read this article is about 90 seconds) Note: When I first wrote this article a few years ago, we had such a wonderful response that it has become a December Newsletter tradition. Enjoy it for the first time…or enjoy it again. It’s a wonderful and important message for this, or any, time of […]

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