(Time to read this Blog article is about 45 seconds)
Every industry and every market is over-served and under-differentiated. Whatever you sell, you have too many competitors and most of you look and sound about the same. Sorry…but it’s true. Don’t shoot the messenger.
Much of my work is in helping clients create, deliver and effectively communicate compelling value and experiences that will:
- ‘grab’ their target customers,
- clearly differentiate them from their competitors,
- make them ‘famous’…and,
- grow their bottom line.
I recently spoke at the annual Convention of the ‘North American Snow and Ice Management Association’. “Yes”, there is an Association for everything. As part of my industry research I came across the website of ‘Snow & Ice Pros Inc.’ in Hammond, Indiana. Under their ‘Why Choose Us’ website tab, http://snowandicepros.com/why-choose-us/1261090 they list 10 clear, specific and convincing reasons to choose them. They know who they are and they’re clear about why their target customers should do business with them. They’ve done an extraordinary job of differentiating themselves.
Do you have that kind of clarity about why your target customers should do business with you? You don’t need 10 reasons, but do you have at least 3 or 4 really good ones? If you don’t, perhaps we should chat about how I can help. It’s what I do. Remember, mediocrity is no longer an option. You need to create an ‘unfair’ competitive advantage. I’m easy to find at 416-252-3703, or at donald@donaldcooper.com.