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If you want to sell more, manage smarter, grow your bottom line...and have a life, but don’t quite know how to go about it, our complete set of Business Assessment and Management Implementation Tools and Templates will be an excellent place to start. I created this set of 58 simple, effective tools and templates for our Coaching Clients who pay thousands of dollars to work with me. Now you can get the same tools that they do for just $60.00
These tools and templates ‘gently’ ask the tough questions and guide you to innovative thinking, wise decisions and effective action in the key areas of management, marketing, creating compelling customer value, attracting and keeping great staff and improving your bottom line.
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This extraordinary 197 page step-by-step “Partnering for Prosperity Guide” is just $60. It will will help you and all the Tourism service and experience providers in your area work together to create, deliver and effectively promote targeted, seamless experiences and compelling visitor value that will attract more guests, make them want to stay longer and spend more money, come back more often...and tell their friends.
For Canadian Orders 13% GST (VAT) will be added to the total.
To enquire about booking Donald to come to your community or Tourism Association to deliver his compelling ‘Super Session’ on Partnering For Prosperity’, contact us at 416-252-3703 in Toronto, Canada.
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Here's where we offer you real help in growing and improving your business and your bottom line...at a very reasonable price.
The Vision Critical Guide: Create a clear and effective Vision for your business, for only $40. (Downloadable electronic format)
Where's your business going...and how will you get there? Companies spend thousands of dollars and endless hours to create Vision Statements that mean nothing, and achieve nothing. Imagine the value of having a clear, one-page Vision for your business that will inform, focus, challenge and inspire you and everyone on your team.
This step-by-step 34 page Vision Critical Guide, complete with Implementation Tools and Templates, has been transformational for the many businesses that have embraced it. It gently asks tough but important questions that need to be asked...and almost never are. It guides you to create a clear Vision for your extraordinary future...and an Action Plan to get there...for just $40.
Note: If you have any questions or would like to purchase a large order of the hard copy version of our Vision Critical Guide please contact us at 416-252-3703.
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