(Time to read this Blog is about 4.5 minutes)


Before we get to the main topic, here are a few things to get you thinking or smiling:

  1. My Biz Quote of the week:
    “To change the customer experience…first change your employee experience.  What might that look like in your business?”   
    …Donald Cooper.
  2. Quick Biz Tip:
    Are you as passionate and focused as you once were, or have you lost some of the passion, drive and commitment that got you where you are today?  I’ve worked with many business owners and managers who are just tired, worn out, or bitter.  They’re sucking energy out of their own business and everybody in it.  They’re cheating the business and their soul.
    No one will ever love your business more than you do. Not your staff, not your customers, not your bank manager…nobody.  As a business owner, leader or manager, you are the source of joy and energy and light in your business, your division, or your department.  If not you, who would it be?  So, if the lights are out on the front porch of your life, if you don’t love it, the business and your life are in big trouble. Get the love back…or move on to something that will re-energize you.
  3. Do the work. While rock climbing with 12-year-old grandson Gus last week and seeing his disappointment with not being immediately world- class, I was reminded of the theory that we have to invest 1,000 hours at anything to be really good at it. The only short-cut is excellent coaching.
    This is why it’s so important to love what you do.  Because, if you don’t, you’ll never put in the 1,000 hours to get really good at it.  
  4. Orange Trivia. Oranges originated in southern China 4,000 years ago, the original being the Mandarin orange, which is still sold today.  All other oranges are derived from that orange, either through selection or hybridization.
  5. Special Announcement for our fans in the extended GTA. Many of you have asked to be informed when I’ll be doing a Management Program that’s open to the public.   On Friday, Sept 27 I’m delivering just such a half-day Accelerate Your Business Super Session for the business owners and managers of Mulmur Township and Dufferin County.  The event is at The Mansfield Ski Club on Airport Road, about an hour north of Toronto.   Admission is just $99.
    This half-day transformational Management Program will be followed by lunch and a ‘no-holds-barred’ Q&A and informal biz coaching for those who wish to stay.  My commitment is to extraordinary outcomes for every attendee!
    This Event is made possible by the generous sponsorship of one of my amazing Biz Coaching clients, Hill’N Dale Landscaping in Mulmur.  It’s our ‘gift’ to his community.
    For more info and to register, go to www.mulmur.ca scroll down and look for Event link on the right side.  If you sign up, let me know at donald@donaldcooper.com, so that I can look for you on Sept 27.
    By the way, if you’d like to organize a similar Event for your community, wherever you’re located in North America, we should chat.


Now, to this week’s important topic:

 3 simple steps to increase loyalty, sales & profitability in your business: 

Here’s a simple 3-step process that I use with clients around the world to help them increase loyalty, sales and profitability.  They pay me big bucks for this info.  Here it is for free…and it could transform your business!

Step #1:  Define your business by how you ‘help’…not by what you sell:

Most businesses make the mistake of defining themselves by what they’ve always sold. “We sell computers, insurance, cars, mayonnaise or seats on airplanes”.  Whatever it is that they sell, that’s how they define themselves.

The problem is that when we define ourselves by what we sell, our focus tends to be on us and our need to sell more.  It’s all about ‘us’.  In order to get passionately focused on our customers, it’s far more useful to define ourselves, not by what we sell, but by how we and what we sell HELPS our target customers.

Here’s a great example.  In the past I’ve spoken at several Conferences for mortgage companies.  When I asked them what business they’re in their answer was always the same, “We sell mortgages!”.   

Let’s look at what their business sounds like when we simply redefine it by how they help people…not by what they sell. “We’re in the business of helping people buy a home and to own that home mortgage-free as quickly, conveniently and inexpensively as possible.” 

Isn’t that the mortgage company that you’d want to deal with?  Why?  Because they’re focused on helping you do what you want to do.  A question that I love asking clients is, “Are you trying to get customers to do what you want them to do…or are you committed to helping them do what they want to do?”

So, first, using the mortgage company example above for guidance, set aside one hour in the next week to sit down with some of the best minds and hearts in your business and define yourself by how you and what you sell helps your target customers, functionally, emotionally and financially.  It will look something like this…

We are in the business of helping              (whom…including where)       to…


Step #2:  Make a list of all the HELP your target customers need in any way related to choosing, buying or using what you sell:    

Now that you’ve redefined yourself by how you HELP, take some time to think and feel like a customer. Sit down with your team and start making a list of all the help your various target customer groups need in order to:

  1. Know about you and all the value you offer,
  2. Wisely choose and effectively use what you sell…and,
  3. What kind of help they need in any way related to doing business with you.

Think of what products, services, information and coaching, after-sale support, convenience, confidence, kindness and encouragement, reminders, payment methods or terms they might need to have a complete, successful and stress-free experience with you and with what you sell.  To jump-start your creativity, consider these four simple questions…

  1. Do all of our target customers know about us and all the value we offer? How can we help them know more about us?
  2. Functionally, emotionally and financially, what are people really trying to do when they buy, install, use, service, update and, eventually, recycle what we sell?
  3. What do they want or need to know to wisely choose and effectively use what we sell?
  4. How do they want to feel when they do business with us and every time they ‘use’ what they buy from us?


Step #3:  How will you deliver some of that help…better than your competitors?  

Now that you know exactly what kind of help your customers need, get creative.  Start thinking of how you will effectively, consistently and profitably deliver some of that help…better than your competitors. 

What can you do to help them to know about you and all the value you offer?  How can you help them to do what they’re really trying to do?  How can you help them to know what they want or need to know and what can you do to help them to feel the way they want to feel?

Think ‘WOW’…think ‘amazing’…think about what has never been done before. Think and feel like a customer and have the creativity and the courage to create compelling customer-owning value and experiences at every touch-point. Compelling value and experiences that will ‘grab’ your target customers, clearly differentiate you from your competitors, make you ‘famous’ and grow your bottom line. 

In my days as a retailer of ladies’ fashions we used this same 3-step process to fundamentally redefine the customer experience. We were the first in the world to put four hooks in a change room.  We offered electric reclining massage chairs for husbands, a pirate ship play area for kids and instant birthday parties for customers shopping on their birthday.  We offered free drinks, free diapers, diaper wipes and cream for young mothers in distress and a magic sign that invited customers to, “Please take as many items in the change room as you wish!” 

We priced merchandise honestly, didn’t manipulate customers into buying stuff that they shouldn’t and generally offered more help, more kindness, more joy, more real value than any of our competitors, most of whom told us that we were ‘nuts’.  Our customers loved us, raved about us to their friends and came back over and over again.

How did we do it?  Rather than saying, “We sell ladies clothing.”, we defined ourselves as being in the business of helping women to look good and feel good.  We took the time to think and feel like a customer.  We cared passionately and we constantly asked two powerful questions, “What’s possible…and what’s next?”   You can’t do everything at once, but something can always be ‘next’.

Here’s another example: The medical imaging division of General Electric sells complex and expensive MRI and other medical imaging equipment to hospitals and clinics.  But, by understanding what life’s really like for their customers, they sell more than that. They sell help.  They sell financing, training and maintenance contracts…and, for those hospitals and clinics who want a total solution, GE will install, staff and operate a complete Medical Imaging Department on a revenue-sharing basis.

So, how do you define your business?  What kind of help do your target customers need in any way related to what you sell and what will you commit to do to deliver some of that help…better than your competitors?  Trust me, you’ll sell more by helping more! 


That’s it for this week…

Stay safe…live brilliantly!       

Donald Cooper 


Donald Cooper speaks and coaches internationally on management, marketing, and profitability.  He can be reached by email at donald@donaldcooper.com in Toronto, Canada.

One Response to 3 simple steps to increase loyalty, sales & profitability in your business:
  1. Hey Don,
    Great information!
    You never under deliver on your emails.
    Keep up the great work.
    How is your throat doing?


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